Published September 2nd, 2009
Lafayette Police Blotter
Residential Burglary, 7/31/09 Unknown suspects broke a window in a Mariposa Road home and entered the residence. The thieves stole $24,213 worth of jewelry and a laptop. Damage to the window is $300. There are no leads at this time.

Drive Nicely to Avoid Fist Fights, 8/8/09 Lafayette Police were summoned to Ace Hardware on Mt. Diablo Boulevard to break up a fight between two male subjects. The fight started because Subject #1 did not like how Subject #2 had been driving. Subject #1 punched Subject #2 in the face and body several times. Both subjects fell to the ground during the fight and sustained minor injuries. The subjects refused medical attention and Subject #2 declined to press charges. Perhaps the subjects will remember to "use their words" during their next encounter.

Drunken Groper Patronizes Petar's, 8/15/09 Police were called to Petar's just after midnight to help remove an unwanted guest. The subject had a strong alcohol smell on his breath, slurred his speech, had difficulty standing upright and had an insatiable urge to touch other patrons. Perhaps this was his chaotic way of dancing to Diamond Dave's Nelly covers? Once Police determined he was unable to care for himself, he was transported to the Martinez Detention Facility where he was booked for public drunkenness.

Residential Burglary, 8/18/09 Unknown, brazen suspects entered a Los Arabis home at night while the residents were sleeping. The suspects gained access through a backyard gate and then an open screen door. Stolen were two laptops, a camera, two iPods and a purse. There are no suspects or leads at this time. Perhaps the owners will now acquire a large dog.

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