Published November 11th, 2009
Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

I'm writing to you on behalf of the Moraga Chamber of Commerce to say how pleased we are to have CVS/Pharmacy in our town.
Yes, we miss Long's. Long's was a wonderful place to shop. But we note that the CVS store is still managed by Mike Lawrence who so ably guided Long's. We note also that we see the same friendly faces, receive the same warm greetings, and enjoy the same first class help we had at Long's because the same fine people still work there.
We are particularly impressed with the new and open look and feel of the CVS stores. Of course, we have to get used to the new locations of our favorite merchandise. But heck, we had to do that for Safeway and goodness knows how many other stores. We've all adapted quickly enough. If your favorite brand or item has disappeared, well, be adventurous, try something new, or, ask your favorite store employee to help you. But whatever you do, please be patient and allow our new drug store to adapt its systems and merchandise flow to the needs of our community. After all, the transition is less than two months old. And take advantage of those spectacular discounts the store is providing. These are certainly welcomed in these tough economic times.
We want to shamelessly toot our horn for Mike, the Store Manager, because this modest man won't toot his own horn. Let us tell you something about Mike you perhaps didn't know. He is a hard working man who commutes nearly 100 miles round trip each day to work 10 hours and more on our behalf and to service our needs. Did you know Mike found money to support our Community Faire? Did you know he worked behind the scenes to make our 4th of July and Pear Festival events a success? Did you know he leads the way by setting an example for how stores participate in the Season of Light event at Christmas time? Did you know he arranged to help various groups about town with small donations of prizes and things to help these groups succeed? Among his many other community-oriented activities Mike also serves as a volunteer Board Director of the Chamber. End of toot.
As a veteran of 35 years in retail myself I've spoken with literally thousands of customers in the department stores I've worked for. What a pleasure it was to hear compliments and praise about the stores and more specifically about the employees who were so thoughtful and helpful. When you have a chance, please join me and offer a good word to the people at CVS. They all deserve our praise for a job well done.

Larry Tessler

Dear Editor:

Our recent letter to the Editor regarding Orinda's out-of-control noise pollution, mainly caused by leaf blowers, must have struck a chord! My husband and I are amazed at how many fellow Orindans (and even some from Lafayette and Moraga) made an effort to contact us to express their support for a ban on them.
Several urged us to organize a campaign to help Orinda to enact an ordinance banning leaf blowers entirely. In doing so, Orinda would join quiet-law communities like Piedmont, Palo Alto, Berkeley, Santa Barbara and others. While we're not the community-organizer types, we're happy to work with other like-minded Orindans who are ready to take back the quiet and tranquility of their neighborhoods.
A Google Group has been set up, called Quiet Orinda (, where several have already signed up. The Group can serve as a central forum for discussing and planning the campaign. Similarly, anyone interested in further information may send an email to
In the meantime, one simple, short-term solution is, of course, to require that your gardener switch to rakes and brooms. We did, and it didn't cost us any more money. You and your neighbors will most certainly appreciate the quieter soundscape and cleaner air!

Susan and Peter Kendall

To the Editor:

As past president of the Orinda Association and having served on the Orinda Fire Protection and Emergency Services Advisory Committee in the mid 1990s , I feel compelled to respond to Janet Maiorana's statement in a recent letter to the editor regarding LAFCO. In her letter she takes issues with Ellen Dale's concern that, if the City of Orinda asked LAFCO to allow it to withdraw from MOFD and establish a municipal fire department, it was very likely LAFCO would respond that it makes more sense to annex to Con Fire. She says this "Flies in the face of history."
There is an old saw that says, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." The factual history is that in 1994 LAFCO approved a merger of the Orinda Fire Department into Con Fire over strong objections of Orinda's representatives. In order to avoid annexation, the people of Orinda had to collect enough signatures to force a vote on the issue. Orinda voted 5503 to 2652 against annexation that year. Now, however, if LAFCO were to take the same action, we would not be able to vote it down because every resident in Con Fire would be voting along side of us at the polls. And why would they vote against annexing MOFD given our healthy tax base?
Mrs. Maiorana is arguing on the wrong side of history.

Judy Shallat


We live at 12 Via Barcelona which intersects with Rheem Blvd. across from the Rancho Laguna II Residential Subdivision approved by the Planning Commission on August 17.
I spoke in favor of Rancho Laguna at that time and continue to do so.
Using the maps found on the Town website we have visited the property and it appears that all 27 lots are below the elevation of the homes on the ridgeline across Rheem Blvd. Homes built on the upper level of the subdivision will not block the view of existing homes south of Rheem. Existing homeowners near Rancho Laguna will not be disadvantaged.
The subdivision is good for Moraga because the Rheem slide will be stopped for good. Our own Town Engineer told me that asphalt repairs on parts of Rheem are now six feet deep in some places.
The subdivision is good for Moraga because the new Rheem sidewalk and bike lane will improve pedestrian, jogger, and bicycle safety for the many citizens and Saint Mary's students using the Rheem, Moraga Road, St Mary's Rd. triangle route.
The Subdivision is good for Moraga because new property and sales taxes generated by the project are essential to maintaining Town infrastructure. A member of our Revenue Enhancement Committee told me we can expect $50,000 per year in property taxes alone.
And lastly, approval of the project is the fair thing to do for the property owner and for the majority of Moraga citizens.

Chuck and Lonnie Treat

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA