
Published September 15th, 2010
Orinda Police Blotter

Cash call, 9/01/10 An 87-year-old woman living on Estabueno received a call from a young woman who claimed to be her granddaughter. She said she had gotten into an accident and was in jail in Canada for a D.U.I. and needed $920 right away. The elderly woman sent the money - but alas later found out that her granddaughter was never in Canada and was never in trouble with the law.

Commercial burglary, 9/01/10 An unknown suspect broke a window at Alma Music on Brookwood Road and took five electric guitars. The thief used a very low tech method of entry - a large rock. Estimated damage for the window - $400, estimated value of guitars $1,500.

Possible tire slashed, 8/31/10 A 22-year-old Orinda man parked his car at the Theatre Square lot at 11:30 in the morning. He locked the car and was gone for approximately 15 minutes. When he returned, he noticed the car was listing to one side, and found a cut on one of the front tires. Police were unable to determine if there was a cut in the sidewall or if the slash was a defect in the tire.

Tools taken, 8/30/10 An unknowns suspect entered the backyard of a home on La Espiral and removed unsecured un-itemized tools. Nothing was seen or heard, but $2,000 worth of hammers and screwdrivers disappeared.


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