Published February 15th, 2012
Moraga Police Blotter
Break-in for a basketball?, 2/5/12 An unknown suspect broke into a portable ticket building at Saint Mary's College via a rock thrown through a rear window. The portable was ransacked, but the only thing missing was a basketball. Unfortunately trashing the place caused approximately $1,500 worth of damage. Apparently the mysterious unknown suspect was unfamiliar with risk and reward equations.

Dry cleaning vanishes, 2/04/12 A usually dapper Via Barcelona resident reported having his dry cleaning stolen off his front porch. Apparently the blue Alex Dry Cleaning Bag was out front at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 4, but when he went out at 9:00 a.m. on Feb 5 the bag was gone. Approximate value of cleaned and pressed clothing, $1750.

BBs on the loose, 2/01/12 Accidents happens - that's the thinking behind an Alderbrook Place resident whose window was pierced and shattered by a BB gone wild. The reporting person does not feel that he was in any way a target - the incident just had to be documented for insurance purposes.

Bricks way out of line, 1/30/12 A six foot section of brick sidewalk at the Moraga Skate Park was lifted out of its position sometime during the night. Estimated damage $250 to show them the straight and narrow. Could this be the work of disgruntled Occupy Moraga Youth?

Burglary, 1/30/12 A Larch Avenue homeowner reported to police that when she came home in mid-afternoon the sliding glass master bedroom door that connects to the backyard had been smashed. An expensive diamond ring and some costume jewelry were taken. Cops managed to collect some fingerprints and the case is under investigation.

Backing into a patrol car, 1/28/12 No physical injuries, unless you count kicking yourself, but an Orinda cop was outside of his patrol car on Moraga Way, writing a ticket, when a white Buick sedan backed out of a parking stall and backed into the side door of the police car. Sheer genius.

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