Published April 9th, 2014
Girl Scout Gold Award Project Combines Love of Children and Music
Submitted by Emma Patton
Emma Patton Photo provided
When Miramonte High School senior Emma Patton asked a circle of enthusiastic 5-year-olds to sing their favorite songs at a Concord Head Start preschool, the last thing she expected was to hear a rap song by Finatticz, she says. "Marcel, the shy one, had barely looked up from his puzzle when his classmates bombarded me with hugs as I walked in, so naturally, I was surprised when he eagerly volunteered to perform. Marcel marched into the center of the circle and shamelessly broke into song, well... rap," she says. "'Don't drop that thun thun aye, don't drop thun thun aye,' he rapped confidently. I immediately recognized the song and had to stifle a laugh while the other kids listened intently, as if this was an everyday occurrence."
Patton created a music program at the Concord preschool as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She designed her Gold Award to be a combination of her two passions: children and music, and says because of this, she truly enjoyed every second she spent at the preschool.
"Essentially, I created a summer music program, which focused on developing basic musical skills for these 4- and 5-year-olds, while providing the same encouragement and enthusiasm for music that I had received as a child," she says. "Upon completion of my project, I realized there is a significant need for Head Start volunteers, and even an hour a week could have a huge impact on these kids' lives."
The Head Start program is open to a variety of volunteer-led activities. "If you're a dancer, teach the children ballet; if you're an artist, lead the children in arts and craft activities - the options are endless," Patton says. "If you enjoy the boundless energy and enthusiasm that preschoolers have, consider taking some time to share your passion with these kids, as I did." For more information, contact the Contra Costa Community Service Bureau at (925) 313-1551.

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