Published May 1st, 2019
Water Polo Tournament Winner
Submitted by Molly Kerr
Coaches, from left: Jim Hassett, Robby Arroyo and Nick Plurkowski; players top row: Adelyn Horciza (10 Lafayette), Yesenia Castro (10 Lafayette), Quinn Arroyo (10 Orinda); bottom row: Annelise Stark (9 Danville), Elizabeth Hassett (7 Orinda) Surya Spitzer (7 Lafayette), Lucy Kerr (8 Lafayette), Kiley Arroyo (8 Orinda), Landon Page (8 Lafayette, Sean Tandler (8 Lafayette) and John Plurkowski (9 Martinez). Photo Molly Kerr
Diablo Alliance's 10 and under water polo team won first place in the Mixed Novice Division at the Spring Sunday Tournament at Soda Center on April 13. Quinn Arroyo propelled the team to victory with her many goals and assists. Strong performances were also turned in by Sean Tandler, Landon Page and goalie, Adelyn Horciza. Congratulations to all of the Diablo players on an impressive victory.

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