Published January 31st, 2024
Proponents of Measure D get council member endorsement
By Vera Kochan
Moraga's voters can expect to see Measure D on their March 5 ballot. The Measure, by the Moraga School District, hopes to win at least a 55% voter approval to authorize funding for capital improvement projects and technology upgrades within all of the elementary and middle school campuses.
According to a ballot measure summary included in Town Manager Scott Mitnick's Jan. 23 staff report, the intent is "To improve Moraga's local elementary/middle schools by upgrading science/technology/engineering classrooms/labs; replacing leaking roofs/unsafe windows; preventing classroom overcrowding; and updating classrooms/technology for 21st-century learning, shall Moraga School District's measure be adopted authorizing $52 million in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding (averaging $3 million raised annually) with citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrators, and providing local funding that cannot be taken by the state?"
A more detailed breakdown of MSD's scope of projects that are necessary include: upgrading /constructing science, technology, engineering classrooms and labs; upgrading/constructing art and music classrooms; replacing/repairing leaking/aging roofs and unsafe windows; installing additional or expanding existing restrooms; installing sustainable athletic fields and physical education facilities; installing solar panels; updating classroom computer technology; updating classroom equipment; improving drainage on roofs and around classrooms to prevent flood damage; improving security cameras and other surveillance systems in addition to installing more safety equipment; and providing updated kitchens and food prep areas.
More items on the school facility project list involve: repairing and replacing aging plumbing and electrical systems; providing multi-use rooms as wellness centers; constructing/modernizing indoor/outdoor eating spaces; preventing classroom overcrowding by constructing/expanding facilities; providing additional state-mandated pre-kindergarten classrooms for students 4 to 5 years old; providing additional kindergarten classrooms; installing new building finishes such as walls, floors and doors; making all necessary ADA upgrades; and improving grounds by providing appropriate pathways, hallways, drop off areas, lighting, and landscaping.
Chair of the Committee for Safe and Modern Moraga Schools - Yes on "D," Ana Moon, and Moraga School District Superintendent Dr. Julie Parks gave a brief presentation reminding everyone that a big reason why families move into town is for the excellent schools.
When it came time to offer an endorsement of Measure D, the town council did so unanimously and without hesitation.

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