Published October 15th, 2008
Moraga Road Work Continues
By Sophie Braccini
Mountain Cascade back on Moraga Road Photo Sophie Braccini

After a summer of road closures and single lane traffic, many Moragans thought they had endured enough for their new water pipeline and watched in relief as the trucks moved to the Lafayette Reservoir. But Moraga's reservoir is up Draeger Drive, so the new pipeline needs to finds its way there from where the work had stopped at Ascot.
Mountain Cascade, the East Bay Municipal Utility District's contractor, is digging again, grinding the pavement, trenching, laying pipe, welding, backfilling, paving, and striping and probably will be disrupting traffic on the main artery until mid-November; longer if they run into difficult dirt or unexpected utilities in the road.
"They are making great progress," says EBMUD's Nora Harlow, "This job was supposed to be completed by Summer 2009, and it looks like they will finish before January, 2009." The contractor will probably complete the work in the Lafayette Reservoir Recreation Area by mid-October.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA