
Published April 15th, 2009
Lafayette Seniors Sought!
Submitted by Sandra A. Smith

Seniors, children of Seniors and other caregivers, mark April 28th, 2009 on your calendars. On that date we will be the focus of a historic event sponsored by the Lafayette Community Foundation. Two free workshops will be held by the City of Lafayette to assess the needs of Seniors, and our input is essential.
On September 24, 2007, the Lafayette City Council, at the request of the Lafayette Senior Services Commission, approved the formation of the Senior Needs Assessment Task Force. Its purpose is to give the City accurate data regarding the needs of older adults in Lafayette. It is estimated that the size of the senior population (65+) will be 18.9% in 2011. Therefore it is important to identify the extent to which the current and future needs of Seniors in Lafayette are being met. The Task Force wants us to provide information and ideas regarding our needs in many areas of our lives, such as financial counseling, housing (aging in place or downsizing), medical, recreation, safety, socialization, and transportation.
With this information both short and long-term strategies can be considered for programs, services and facilities for older adults. This information will enhance the City's ability to tap outside sources for funds that might be needed to support future projects that will make Lafayette a more aging- friendly community. To ensure the City receives accurate and statistically valid data, the Task Force has selected BW Research to facilitate the project.
This project is just as important to the children of Seniors as to Seniors themselves. Many worry about how their parents will get their shopping needs and doctor's appointments taken care of, or their houses cared for. They are concerned about elder abuse and fraud, their nutrition, safety, and their loneliness, which can lead to depression.
The workshops will be held on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. There will be two separate sessions: the first, from 2:00-3:30 PM and the second from 6:00-7:30 PM. Temple Isaiah in Lafayette has graciously offered the use of their facility to hold the workshops at no cost to the City.
The Lamorinda Spirit Van will be available free of cost for anyone needing transportation. Call 283-3534 for your ride. Light refreshments will be served. And it is all free! So, Seniors and children of Seniors, you can see how important it is that we all come to the workshops. They really want to hear from us! Please call the Lafayette Senior Services Center at 284-5050 and tell them you are coming.
This is our opportunity to be heard! Our future is at stake!
(Sandra A. Smith, Lafayette-Senior-Services-Commission-and-the-Lafayette-Senior-Liaison-Committee)

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