Dear Editor,
The tone of this crime report is extremely unprofessional. Using terms like "frequent flyer" and "Orinda's favorite usual suspect" is cloying and juvenile. The author of this piece seems to think that this story is humorous; and/or believes that it is "hip" to copy the ironic stylings of Time magazine's Joel Stein when writing a news paragraph about a criminal incident.
I am certain there was nothing funny in the situation whereby a frightened and/or panic-striken 82 year-old man resorted to dialing 911 to obtain police protection from his drunken and out-of-control 50-something daughter.
Will you please instruct your NEWS writers to adhere to old-school journalism in news stories: Answer the questions, who, what, where, when, why.
Skip the snarky commentary and save the humor for columnists.
Thank you,
Tina Jones, Moraga