Published May 27th, 2009
Patti Camras Organizes Speed-networking for Women

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On May 8 Patti Camras organized her first speed-networking for women, an event where she invited women with whom she had been doing business on a regular basis and would gladly refer. "I wanted to create an environment for networking so that these terrific women professionals could find out about each other," said Camras, "I strongly believe that people who own their own businesses understand the benefit of networking, and now more than ever, we need each other to keep our businesses vital in today's economy." "The event was fun and very well organized," said Wendy Scheck from Lamorinda Weekly, one of the 24 women who attended the event," She had us talk with each other and move around every 5 minutes. It was kind of an enterprising thing to do." Camras plans to host another event in September after the school year starts.

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