| | Photo Denise Lemings
| | | | | | It was a perfect day to go out and play, according to the residents and staff members at The Moraga Royale, and they did just that! It was the Third Annual Soccer game where staff played against Julie Foudy's Leadership Team, made up of girls from 13-15 years old. Foudy, former Captain of the USA Women's Soccer Team and two time Olympic Gold Medalist among other accolades, encourages community service as part of her leadership camp. The National Charity League also came to assist and rally with the residents and staff.
According to Al Pyne, Transportation Director for the Moraga Royale which provides Independent-Assisted Living and Memory Care for retirees, began three years ago when Foudy's organization contacted him and asked if there was anything they could do to help the senior residents. Pyne said, "Basically they called up and offered their help and I told them they could serve lunch if they wanted to." During the conversation Pyne said, "In return I also offered up a challenge soccer game and Foudy accepted being the great sport that she is and the game was on!"
Foudy, who attended the game, will be back next year with her Leadership team and is looking forward to the fun filled competitive exchange, according to Pyne. The Moraga Royale team was led to victory with Pyne as their designated coach for a 6-3 win.