
Published October 28th, 2009
Moraga Movers October Dinner Was Sold Out
Submitted by Lee Barker
Mike Segrest at the last Chamber BBQ Photo Michael Fox Photography

The Moraga Movers October dinner event was sold out days before registration was supposed to be closed; it seems that many Movers and their guests wanted to hear that evening's speaker, Moraga Town Manager Mike Segrest.
Segrest quietly took his stand at the podium, and looked out over the room full of expectant faces. He spoke, clearly, firmly, without cheat sheets or prompt cues. He has said, many times in many places, that he looks forward to helping the residents of Moraga achieve their goals and priorities toward preserving and enhancing the quality of life in Moraga.
It must have taken a lot of courage to stand before one of the most interactively alert groups in Moraga, and deliver a speech that may have been delivered before, in part or in whole. But he did it well, and the audience received it well -- and was ready for the question period.
Nancy Baker put forth a familiar question: "Can't the town do anything about the high rents that potential businesses find hard to meet with any hope of seeing a profit?" "No," stated Segrest, the Town of Moraga has no jurisdiction in that area." Segrest went on to say that the town is working hard to change the shopping climate in Moraga.
It was a delightful and maybe even productive evening. Before listening to the guest speaker, as usual, we were treated to a fantastic dinner.
In November we start the winter lunches, so our appreciative members can enjoy themselves fully and still get home before dark (see Not to be Missed, page 20 for more information).

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