Published November 11th, 2009
The Incredible Family Celebrates Halloween
Written with information submitted by Amy Yang
Henry, Jordan , Kaitlyn , Amy, and Justin Yang Photo provided
The Yang family had an "incredible" Halloween this year. Wearing costumes made by Amy and Henry Yang, "The Incredibles" family came to life. Amy Yang says her children mirror "The Incredibles'" children: "One-year old Jordan is a fireball like Jack-Jack, he's entertaining, yet a little rascal; Justin (age 3) 'Dash-es' around non-stop, and is sweet and protective of his family and friends - a true gentleman and hero; Kaitlyn (5) naturally looks the part of Violet and uses her magic force-field to capture her brothers in her playful bubble of energy." To top it off, dad Henry actually is an insurance broker for his own company, "Total Integrity Insurance Services, LLC."

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