Published December 9th, 2009
Moraga Police On-line
By Sophie Braccini
Heading out of town? The Moraga Police Department now offers residents an on-line service for requesting a "Vacation House Watch." Got cause for alarm? You can also make a "Patrol Request." "If you are leaving your home for any length of time, or have a problem in your neighborhood that warrants special attention, simply fill out the form(s) on-line and press 'submit,'" says Moraga Police Chief Bob Priebe. "You will receive a confirmation email that we received your request." To access this service, Moraga residents can go to The forms are listed at the bottom of the page under the heading "Forms." "We've had already a handful of demands for vacation house watch since we put the forms online a few days ago," added Priebe at the beginning of the month. Email your suggestions for how the Police Department can further improve its website to

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA