Published June 23rd, 2010
MYIC Finishes a Successful Year with Pancakes
By Sophie Braccini
Residents line up for breakfast on July 4th, 2009 Photo courtesy of the Town of Moraga
The Moraga Youth Involvement Committee is composed of teenagers 13-18 years old who work and serve together for the town of Moraga. During their tenure, the teens experience community service and get a first glimpse at town government. They raise money for charities of their choice, organize activities, support community events and, on the 4th of July, they serve hundreds of pancake breakfasts at the Commons Park, starting at 8 a.m. On June 17th the committee held its last meeting of the year and reflected on past activities.

"I can't imagine a finer group of young adults than those students currently serving on the Moraga Youth Involvement Committee--they are dedicated, hard-working students who are committed to giving back to the community in which they live," said Vice-Mayor Karen Mendonca, who is the Town Council's liaison to the group.

Over all the teens seemed to have had a great time serving. "I love working on the movie night and selling stuff there," said Mina Arasteh. "I was very interested in the town politics, it's very cool, very organized," explained Clare Durant, "and I learned that there are a lot of things that go into putting on an event." Jennifer Kuckuk said she had the feeling that she helped with something that was important, while Mary Beth Ward liked to be involved. David Wetterholm said he enjoyed the chance to meet and work with a very different group of people. Kelsey Aubrey, who joined the group three years ago after moving from another community, said, "I didn't know anything about the town, and I got to know really good people. The group offers kids a way to get involved in the community, and see how much teenagers can do together." Committee president Daniel Granoff agreed, adding that his four years on the committee taught him how important it is to plan ahead, to transform ideas into life events.

Recreation and Facilities Coordinator Kimberly Nelson serves as the Committee's mentor. "Kimberly is incredible," said Granoff, "she is on top of things, and supports us to make things happen." Mendoca added, "She (Nelson) excels in providing effective support for the students while simultaneously empowering them to further develop their leadership skills and decision-making abilities."

Almost half of the committee members graduated from Campolindo this June. In August, new members will be recruited. For more information go to, or call Kimberly Nelson at 888-7035.

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