Published January 19, 2011
Lafayette Police Blotter
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night..." 01/01/11 But blowing up the mailbox can keep postal couriers from their appointed rounds. One poor Lafayette resident filed a vandalism complaint after his mailbox was vandalized for the fourth time in 6 months. Apparently unsatisfied with simply knocking down the box, the perp(s) keep raising the stakes in this frightening game of "return to sender."

Money, money, money, 01/06/11 That's all one customer wanted from Lafayette's West America Bank. Unfortunately, the accused (who was found to be in possession of a bad check, fake government ID, and a forged driver's license) was charged with forgery and fraud. "Loan" application denied!

I can't see clearly now, 01/02/11 Drunk and arguing, a man broke a car windshield. The police awarded him with a trip to jail. The damaged auto's owner declined to press charges or to cooperate in the investigation. Driving that car until it's repaired should be a breeze.

The Artful Dodger, 01/07/11 Someone broke the rear passenger window of a 10-year-old Lexus parked on Fiora Place and stole an art bag and supplies valued at over $700 dollars. Repair estimates put the damages at $250. That's a fair amount of Monet, and we hope police Cezanne the thief very soon.

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