
Published February 16th, 2011
Downtown Plan Discussion Continues
By Cathy Tyson

The draft Downtown Specific Plan marches on. Although there was an ambitious agenda of items at a recent Planning Commission meeting, only a few were addressed and final action deferred to a future meeting. Current discussion is focusing on the draft Downtown Specific Plan's (DSP) goals, policies and programs. Their task is reviewing each issue and providing preliminary direction to staff - clarifying whether the goals, policies and programs should be retained, revised or deleted.
Due to the lateness of the hour, the vision statement was approved, as well as sustainability and residential density. Quite a number of issues are scheduled for February 22 and March 7 meetings: height, setbacks, parks, circulation, creeks, districts, design guidelines, views and parking.
The Planning Commission started reviewing the DSP back in September of 2009; meetings are always open to the public and comments are welcome. Residents are invited to be part of the process at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center in the Community Hall building on the corner. Check the city website for the agenda, meetings usually start at 7:00, www.lovelafayette.com.


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