Published November 23rd, 2011
Thanksgiving Breakfast
From left: John Sherry and Ann Grodin at the breakfast buffet Photo Andy Scheck
The 32nd Annual Community Thanksgiving Breakfast once again was a time for local business people and Chamber of Commerce members to break bread and give thanks. Always scheduled for the Friday before Thanksgiving, it's a celebration of family of a different sort, sponsored by the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce. The delicious breakfast, provided by SpringLoaf Catering, went according to plan and the Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church had a lovely set up, but there was an "upgrade" of the scheduled speaker.
Congressman George Miller was slated to address the gathering, but unfortunately he was stuck in Washington D.C. for an important vote. Anne Grodin, Field Representative of Assembly Member Nancy Skinner and member of the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Community Foundation, graciously stepped in, reflecting on the incredible volunteerism in Lafayette that supports an amazing array of philanthropic organizations that are headquartered here. Father John Kasper of St. Perpetua Catholic Church wrapped up the event with a short story of thanks and concluded, "Gratitude is at the heart of humanity." C. Tyson

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