Published January 4th, 2012
Letters to the Editor

Dear Lafayette friends & neighbors,
As 2011 comes to a close, I find myself thinking a lot about how lucky and grateful I feel to be living in Lafayette heading into 26 years of residency here. There are so many reasons for my abiding love for this place I call home, 3,000 miles away from my childhood days in Connecticut.
Chief among them are the active support and commitment shown to our top-rated public schools (in spite of underfunding at State level), and our dream-come-true-two-year-old Library and Learning Center. These essential institutions serve all people, young and not so, of every race, religion, color and creed. Nothing is more important than keeping these community cornerstones healthy. With ongoing support, we prove again and again what we value.
I tip my hat with heartfelt thanks to school district board members and school volunteers, the Library Foundation Board, Friends Board, and hundreds of library volunteers as each strive to make these public institutions available for all.
It is my continuing privilege to serve our community on the Library Foundation Board. I love witnessing fellow residents, especially the youngest among us, along with friends and neighbors from across Lafayette's borders, stream through the wide-open Library doors - 1500 or so a day, 750,000 people since opening in 2009.
Support for these public institutions paves the way for a future we all hope for, and work to provide, and, if we're really lucky, we catch a glimpse of as we watch our youth grab hold of vast and not-yet-known possibilities and promises afforded them only through our shared commitment and financial support.
So to you, my friends and neighbors, known or unknown to me, I thank you for making Lafayette the special and beloved place that I believe it is. I am so proud to be a resident here among all of you.
From my family to yours, I send you best wishes for the New Year. I look forward to seeing you around town as we support our local businesses, we see our children attending our local schools, and we walk through the Library and Learning Center open doors.

Karen Mulvaney


Moraga's Rancho Laguna Park has NOT always worked well as a place to allow dogs to run off-leash, contrary to assertions by several people. Aggressive dogs have intimidated me after several trail runs while I was walking on the paved pathway or stretching at a bench. Writers Tina Brier and David Shapiro (Letters to the Editor, Dec. 21) suggest that I use the park "during hours when dogs are not off-leash." It does not suit me to run at other times of the day. I once remarked to the Moraga Town Council that off-leash dogs should be kept separate from other park users. I do appreciate that there is a place where dogs can run off-leash. Just allow other park users to enjoy their time at the park without the threat of intimidation or worse.

Stan Oberg


The scheme approved by the Council for the "imprisonment" of Rancho Laguna Park, as shown in the Lamorinda Weekly, is absurd to the nth degree. Because:
1. A fence behind the turf area destroys the "grain" of the park - its idyllic openness.
2. A fence around the east playground & the adjoining BBQ/picnic areas that allows dogs free rein throughout the day is absolute madness for people trying to have a picnic. Just picture food all over the tables & dogs running around. Is that an atmosphere for a peaceful picnic? Or is it a madhouse?
3. A fence around the group picnic area on the west side will make these picnickers feel that they are in a compound.
The people of Moraga requested that this "jewel" of a park be maintained in its rustic ranquility. Why the government of this city does not listen to its citizens is beyond belief.
I am, & have been, a user of the park & its picnic areas for many years. I am not a dog owner. I have never had a problem with the "off leash" arrangement that has been in place. I do not understand why the city has to destroy something that is currently working & enjoyed by park users. If the State requires that the playground areas require fencing for safety reasons, then fence the 2 areas & leave it at that. If the city has more money it should spend the money on repairing & widening the walk path.
I expect the representatives of the City of the Town of Moraga to not carry on like the idiots in Sacramento & Washington! If they are no better they should be unelected immediately.

J.P. Duffy

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