Published March 14th, 2012
Jerry Meyers Retires at 87
By Sophie Braccini
Mike Metcalf presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Jerry Meyers Photo Sophie Braccini
It's not every day that a volunteer is honored in Moraga for 38 years of unfailing service. The ceremony that was held on March 9 to honor 87-year-old Jerry Meyers was one of those unique and precious events at which everyone suddenly becomes aware that a part of local history is being memorialized before changing forever.
Meyers moved to Moraga 51 years ago with her family. 38 years ago, she institutionalized, and has been moderating ever since, the monthly Town Firehouse Liaison meeting. That gathering, every second Friday of the month at 8:00 a.m., is an opportunity for the Town, the library, the schools, and the service groups to inform each other of what is happening in their immediate environment, and then to broadcast this information to their constituencies. Some people, like the Mayor, the Town Manager, the Fire and Police Chiefs are always there; others come when their group is preparing a big event.
Meyers has been conducting these meetings with a firm hand, making sure that by 9:00 a.m. everyone was done, and that all those who had something to say were able to do so. Meyers has had more than her share of hardships, her only remaining live descendant is a grandson whom she loves dearly, but she has always maintain the calm and courteous composure of a lady. Her frail build has never kept her from being a strong presence and it was with the utmost respect that Town and District officials paid her tribute.
Former Mayor Ken Chew captured it in a simple sentence, "When I got ready to go to my first Liaison meeting as a mayor someone told me 'You might be the mayor, but when you get to the Liaison meeting, Jerry Meyers is in charge'," he recalled. Current Mayor Mike Metcalf gave her an official Town Certificate of Appreciation that highlighted the service she's rendered to the community by facilitating communication between all of the Town's major players.
Carol Yates, on behalf of Supervisor Gayle Uilkema, presented her with a Resolution signed by the Board of Supervisors that recalled some of Jerry Meyers' accomplishments, like her participation in the 1974 committee to incorporate the Town, her nomination as Citizen of the Year in 1979, her participation in the planning and construction of the current library as a member of the friends of Moraga library, her participation in the 2000 campaign to incorporate the Moraga Orinda Fire District (MOFD), and her role as a founding member of the Rescue One Foundation.
MOFD Board Member Frank Sperling said that it had always been a thrill for him to come to the meetings and get the real story about what is going on in town. Tim Farley, Director of Community and Government Relations for Saint Mary's College, thanked Meyers on behalf of the entire College Committee and the 80,000 students that have gone through Saint Mary's since she's been serving, "I value the 59-minute monthly meeting," he said, "it's been an example and a lesson of leadership we can learn from."
Former Mayors Karen Mendonca and Dale Walwark offered her flowers.
In a conversation afterward, Meyers confirmed that her motivation over the years has been to contribute to the town she loves, and make sure that enough control and responsibility was retained locally. "It's better to be your own boss, than to have to listen to someone else," she said.
Going forward, Susan Sperry will moderate the meetings that are held in the community room of the Moraga Library.

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