![](../images/for_pdf/0608-03201.jpg) | | Kate Marvin (right), stands with Orinda Intermediate School teacher Bobby Glasser after singing the national anthem at the Oakland A's game June 6.
Photo provided
| | | | | | A singing book report at school gave Kate Marvin the opportunity to perform the national anthem before a recent Oakland A's game. Kate, then an Orinda Intermediate School sixth-grader, completed the assignment in front of her classmates and their teacher Bobby Glasser. Glasser knew Kate sang; she has entered Orinda Idol competitions since 2008. As a former A's employee, Glasser knew how to proceed. The tough part, he says, was convincing his student to audition as a singer. "I tried to get her to sing," he says, "and she never would... and never would... and never would." As a teacher, he encouraged her: "Put yourself out there." Then one day, she presented him with an audition CD, and they sent it off. Now it also happens that for the past 10 years, Glasser has taken his students to see an A's game near the end of the school year. And so on June 6, Kate Marvin spent a minute and a half on the baseball field singing The Star Spangled Banner in front of a crowd of over 15,000, including family, friends and classmates. She recalls, "It was really nerve wracking" before, but felt she "did okay" when it was done. The Oakland A's played the Texas Rangers that day, and they did okay as well, beating the Rangers 2-0.