![](../images/for_pdf/0621-01801.jpg) | | Sam Sernett Michael Kreutzelman and Max Kreutzelman from Boy Scout
Troop 237 Photos provided
| | | | | | Undaunted by rainy weather and warmed with coffee, hot chocolate and doughnuts, approximately 30 volunteers, including Orinda Garden Club members and their husbands and Boy Scouts from Troop 237 and their families, gathered in the Bank of America parking lot Dec. 1 before setting out to hang 100 brightly colored Christmas wreaths all over downtown Orinda as part of the second annual "Wreaths Around Orinda" project. The evergreen wreaths, purchased by the Orinda Garden Club from Boy Scout Troop 237 and Miramonte's senior class, were decorated by members and friends of the Orinda Garden Club at a holiday workshop. Senior class treasurer, Grace Barosky, organized the Miramonte students involved in the fund raising project, and several local Boy Scouts from Troop 237 led by Scout Jack O'Melveny, and members of their families hung the 100 wreaths on downtown buildings. "This event warms the hearts of many, especially since it brings together several volunteer groups," said Carole Wolfman, garden club president. The Orinda Garden Club, along with other local garden clubs, provide volunteer workers and resources for many of the city's beautification efforts. Orinda residents Cathleen Sodos and Jane Wiser co-chaired the event.