| | From left: Clare Riley, Tuki Chester, Carly Johnson, Dianda Giles, Stephanie Friese, Veronica Huish, Makenna Ferguson, Samantha Bowen and Chantal Hummel. Photo Provided
| | | | | | It was a special night in Moraga Jan. 11 when a sellout crowd of over 300 Girl Scouts came to the Rheem Theatre, following the yellow brick road to watch a special showing of "The Wizard of Oz." This was the first time the Orinda-Moraga Service Unit hosted a movie night that proved to be a huge success as Girl Scouts ranging from the Daisy level (age 5) to Cadette level (age 14) were well represented. The Orinda-Moraga Girl Scouts serve more than 800 girls in 70 troops from the towns of Orinda, Moraga and Canyon. OIS Cadette Troop 32300 helped host this service unit event. They designed movie and popcorn tickets, passed out snacks, seated attendees - and dressed up as "Wizard of Oz" characters for the night. For more information about Girl Scouts, visit www.orindamoragagirlscouts.org.