Published June 5th, 2013
Lamorinda Idol 2013 Finalists Announced
Submitted by Casey Sasner, Ann Baer, and Esther Becker
Last year's performers Photo Ohlen Alexander
Lamorinda Idol 2013 auditions were held May 16-18 with close to 200 young people from Orinda, Moraga and Lafayette auditioning before a panel of three judges, who selected the finalists. Commenting on the auditions, Lamorinda Idol Chairman Steve Harwood said, "I think those of us present knew we were witnessing something very special as each of the auditioners was well prepared, put themselves on the line and gave it their all. We have a very talented group of finalists, but each of the auditioners was special." Thirty-five soloists and 10 groups will compete at the finals Sept. 8 at Orinda Theatre. The community will also be treated to several performances throughout the summer in Orinda and Lafayette from finalists and runners up. Further details are available at: www.orindaartscouncil.org.
Lamorinda Idol 2013
Finalists and Runners-Up
K-2 Soloists
Callie Barber
Amelia Chen
Claire O'Conner
Mia Palichio
Audrey Peatross
Tobias Brock-Utne
Olivia Ting

3-5 Soloists
Fiona Akazawa
Lleyton Allen
Elizabeth Becker
Jenni Coletta
Helana Devine
Kiera Glenn
Valentina Navarro
Nicole Prozan
Lauren Staelin
Aislinn Welch
Mackenzie Bunzel-Hardie
Bella Capozzi

6-8 Soloists
Niamh Akazawa
Grace Baer
Nathan Correll
Melissa Elliot
Jenna Englund
Kate Marvin
Jennifer McFarlane
Jocelyn Purcell
Lindsey Wallace
Leah Woodcox
Amelie Beresford- Wood
Avery Hansen

9-12 Soloists
Sophie Belinn
Sarah Cain
Forest Castillo
Lucy Clearwater
Jesse Epstein
Tosca Maltzman
Amrita Newton
Paige Powell
Eleanor Roeder
Alexis Zwahlen
Anna Finnell
Paige McGill

K-5 Groups
US2: Kiera Glenn and Maggie Heiskell
Rising Starz: Leah Douglas, Hannah Hoffman and Nicole Prozan
Soul Sisters: Marlene Monteih and Fiona Young
Stripes and Polka Dots: Jenna Grant and Haley Hunter
Three Musketeers: Jensen Rasmussen, Olivia Uzancan and Lily Wood

GirlS: Grace Barmer and Sophie Lurie
Girls With White Dresses: Callie Barber and Janie Hollerbach

6-8 Groups
Awesome Fearsome 3some: Rachel Go, Jennifer McFarlane and Michaela Sasner
Liv & Kate: Liv Lagomarsino and Kate Marvin
Odd Duets Malia Akazawa and Niamh Akazawa
Triple Threat: Isabel Fine, Jackie Patton and Dylan Smith
Lindsey & Arriana: Arriana Glenn and Lindsey Wallace

Gracie and Sarah: Gracie Sterner and Sarah Westegren
Calia & Thalia: Cali Boustani and Thalia Bradley

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