Published February 12th, 2014
SMC Conference Facilitates Discussion of Critical Topics
By Amanda Kuehn
Diverse and dynamic women, including 92-year-old Betty Reid Soskin, America's oldest park ranger, and Wanda Johnson, the mother of Oakland resident Oscar Grant who was shot by a BART police officer on Jan. 1, 2009, will speak on the topics of racism, sexism and social injustice as keynote speakers at the March 8 Wo/men's Conference at Saint Mary's College. Put on by the Women's Resource Center (WRC), the annual conference connects individuals from different genders and generations to engage in the discussion of critical topics.
Recipient of the 1995 California Woman of the Year Award and special guest at President Obama's inauguration, Soskin is a prominent and active African-American woman. "She's coming back by popular demand," said Sharon Sobotta, director of the WRC. While Soskin will speak to the issue of racism in society, Johnson will target the way that violence against young men of color affects women. Soskin and Johnson will be joined by social justice practitioners who work in agencies ranging from Community Violence Solutions to the MOMs program in Alameda County.
"It's intentionally an inter-generational conference," said Sobotta. "We think something extra comes from having many generations together sitting around the table and talking about these issues."
Intentionally written with a backslash, the Wo/men's Conference isn't just for women. "We want men to be there too," said Sobotta. The conference seeks to bring together men and women from different backgrounds to explore new ways to address tough issues. It is an all-inclusive venue in which community members, educators, parents and students will have the opportunity to learn about and engage in discussions.
A number of large group workshops will be offered by various members of the Lamorinda community. Workshop topics range from human trafficking and modern day slavery to a presentation on how your food choices can challenge injustice. "We don't want people to leave overwhelmed," said Sobotta. "We've asked that the workshop leaders leave people with some sort of agency regarding what they can do and what difference they can make."
New to this year's conference is an interactive poster session that will allow small groups and individuals to share new information, interests and findings with conference attendees. "People can choose anything they're passionate about that relates to the general theme," Sobotta explained. Posters might reflect student projects, new research or information regarding the efforts of a local organization related to the themes of racism, sexism and social injustice. A group of SMC students will present a poster on the question "What is violence against women?" Mission and Ministry will present a poster regarding fair trade products.
Anyone can participate in the poster fair. Poster presenters will be stationed at tables, engaging with small groups and individuals as they pass by. If you're interested in presenting, sign up on the WRC events website at: Applications for participation in the poster session will accepted through Saturday, March 1.
The conference will run from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 8. Conference tickets are $25 per person; sponsored tickets are available for those who are unable to purchase. You can register online by locating the WRC's events page ( and clicking on the link labeled "Register Now."
"V-Day Until the Violence Ends" Event Feb. 14

Other Saint Mary's Women's Resource Center events include "V-Day Until the Violence Ends." A worldwide movement to stop violence against women and girls, V-Day promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money and revitalize the spirit of anti-violence organizations. Using monologues from Eve Ensler's renowned play, "The Vagina Monologues," SMC students will bring these stories to the stage at 3 and 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14. Pre-sale tickets are $5 for students; $10 for non-students, available online. Tickets at the door are $7 for students; $12 for non-students.
For tickets and information, visit

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