Published June 4th, 2014
Tell the City How You Really Feel...
Yes, the City of Lafayette would like to hear your opinion about a specific area that many motorists use on a daily basis, for a traffic study along the Olympic Boulevard and Reliez Station Road corridor between Pleasant Hill Road and Glenside Drive. This busy, yet residential route has frequent bottlenecks and cars line up coming and going from Lafayette.
With critical input from the public, the study will identify traffic problems and concerns and explore solutions to address them. City staffers offer a number of options for folks to chime in:
Community Walk No. 1 is scheduled for 10 a.m. this Saturday, June 7, starting at the corner of Pleasant Hill Road and Olympic Boulevard; or perhaps a weekday is better - Community Walk No. 2 is on Thursday, June 12 at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 12, also at the corner of Pleasant Hill Road and Olympic Boulevard.
If taking a survey from the comfort of home is more your style, simply go to, then go to Hot Topics and click on the Reliez Station Road/Olympic Corridor Study - it should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
There's even a meeting slated for the day this paper is published: Wednesday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sequoia Room of the Lafayette Community Center, 500 St. Mary's Road.
C. Tyson

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA