Published January 27, 2016
Letters to the Editor

I would suggest that the Town Council, and particularly the Planning Committee drive over to Camino Ricardo and take a long look at the behemoth houses now currently under construction there. I can only assume that the Planning Committee made obvious errors in determining height limitations in allowing the construction of these monstrosities.
Truckloads and truckloads of soil were scraped from the top of that beautiful orchard hillside. Day after day they lined up for their fill and trucked it away to somewhere. This was done, I assume, to bring things into agreement with ridgeline rules. In its place hotel-like houses are being built. These structures have no esthetic value and do not fit into the rest of Camino Ricardo's homes.
We used to consider Moraga as semi-rural. Recently I was told we are no longer a town, but a city. If that is so, I guess it doesn't matter that, as you drive down Camino Ricardo to the light, the distant hills are no longer visible. Does the Planning Committee care about our once lovely town and sees only dollar signs? Shame.
In their recent letter to this newspaper, the Committee to Stop Town Center Homes has it right. Another blight coming!

Dolores Humm

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