| | Photo provided by Gina Armstrong-Smith | | | | | | Lamorinda keeps turning out champions.
In March the Miramonte Competitive Cheer Team took home the National Championship in the Varsity Small Show Cheer Division. The squad competed against 23 teams in their quest for the title.
Pictured here are (Back row from left): Kaylie Parr, Megan Melohn, Hannah Gunn, Lauren Kozicki, Hallie Pritchard and Mary Rockwood. (Front row, from left): Maddie Robinson, Sydney Smith, Jacqui Yuke, Jessie Musacchio and Emily Forkas.
Prior to the National Competition, cheer teams had to qualify at Regional levels and receive an invitation to compete. The USA National Cheerleading competition was held in Anaheim March 19-21. While at the competition each cheer team had to perform at preliminaries in order to qualify and compete on the final day.
See accompanying story, page A11.