| | From left: Peter Candell, Riley Smith, Colin Smith and Joshua Douglas. Photo provided | | | | | | Four scouts from Troop 224 in Lafayette were honored at a March 26 banquet for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Scoutmaster is Kyle Blocker.
For his Eagle Scout community service project, Peter Joseph Candell, the son of Brian and Susan Candell, worked with John Eaton, a board member of the Lafayette Community Garden, to build two "Creek Viewing Areas."
During his scouting career, Peter earned more than a dozen merit badges, and the National Youth Leadership Training certificate of achievement. He hiked with scouts to the top of Mt. Whitney last summer, attended Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Camp in New Mexico, and attended many scout camps and adventure trips. He currently serves as a New Scout Patrol Leader, leading the youngest scouts just entering the troop as fifth and sixth graders.
Peter, 17, is a junior at Acalanes High School in Lafayette.
For his Eagle Scout community service project, Riley Noel Smith, the son of Brad and Shelley Smith, coordinated with church representatives to design, plan and build a labyrinth at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Pleasant Hill. A labyrinth is a circular walking path that leads to the center and back out. It is used for personal meditation and reflection.
During his scouting career, Riley earned two dozen merit badges, the National Youth Leadership Training certificate of achievement and attended several scout camps, including the Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Camp in New Mexico where he backpacked more than 75 miles in 10 days. He currently serves as the Senior Patrol Leader for the troop - the senior scout in charge of directing troop activities.
Riley, 16, is a junior at Acalanes High School in Lafayette.
For his Eagle Project, Colin Wade Smith, the son of Brad and Shelley Smith coordinated with the Peter Pan Preschool and their sponsoring organization, the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Pleasant Hill, to design and build a new sandbox and pergola. This project replaced an old, open, plastic sandbox and provides the children a better experience with shade and a storage box for sand toys.
During his scouting career, Smith earned more than two dozen merit badges, the National Youth Leadership Training certificate of achievement, and attended several scout camps, including the Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Camp in New Mexico where he backpacked more than 75 miles in 10 days. Beginning with Cub Scout Pack 200 in first grade, he has completed 12 years of scouting.
Colin, 17, is a senior at Acalanes High School and is planning to attend the University of Colorado, Boulder, in the fall.
For his Eagle Scout community service project, Joshua Singer Douglas, the son of Jill and David Douglas, helped the shot put and discus program of the Acalanes Track and Field team by building a practice shot put ring athletes can use to practice their form. It will last years and be used by all who visit the Acalanes shot put area.
During his scouting career, Josh earned 22 merit badges, the Ner Tamid Award (a Boy Scout of America award overseen and bestowed by the National Jewish Committee on Scouting), and attended several scout camps, including the Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Camp in New Mexico where he backpacked more than 75 miles in 10 days. Joshua's father, David, also received his Eagle Scout rank from Troop 224 in 1980.
Joshua, 18, is a senior at Acalanes High School in Lafayette and will decide by May 1 where he will attend college in the fall.