![](../images/for_pdf/1017-01701.jpg) | | The remnants of old station 43. Courtesy of MOFD | | | | | | The Moraga-Orinda Fire District board plans to award the contract for reconstruction of fire station 43 in north Orinda at its Oct. 19 meeting. The district unsealed bids for the project Oct. 4 and out of eight entries, the $2,660,129 bid submitted by Pacific Mountain Contractors beat the next competitor's by more than $150,000. Pacific Mountain Contractors recently won the construction bid for San Ramon Valley Fire Prevention District station 32 in Alamo.
Fire Chief Stephen Healy said he expects the rebuild of the Via Las Cruces station to be completed in one year and to finish under its $4.5 million budget, which includes demolition, construction, temporary living quarters for the firefighters and soft costs incurred since 2011, when the board first authorized the project.
The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District filed its application with the Lafayette design review commission Sept. 30 to rebuild fire station 16 on Los Arabis Drive. "We don't expect any issues, thanks to a lot of citizen input," said Deputy Chief Lewis Broschard. "The station will be consistent with the neighborhood and with the desires of the community."
Broschard said he hopes to receive design approval in December, and then architectural plans can go out to bid by the first of the year. ConFire expects to complete the project in early 2018.
Contra Costa County closed uninhabitable fire station 16 in 2012 and placed its engine company out of service, while MOFD had long planned to rebuild badly deteriorated station 43. Sensing an opportunity to improve service and to save a significant amount of operational revenue, the two districts proposed to jointly build fire station 46 on the Orinda-Lafayette border to replace the two stations, but the deal unraveled last year.