Don't Forget to Register to Vote
Dear Editor,
This election year in particular I am reminded of the importance of the voice of the people. I've seen some of my fellow citizens become very politically active with a deep desire for change. I've also seen many so exasperated they want to throw their hands up and forget about this election season altogether.
Fellow citizens, do not to give up. Your voice matters in the presidential election and in our local elections, where you have the possibility of seeing the most immediate change.
Oct. 24 is the last day for voter registration. If you have not already, please visit, or obtain a form at an elections office, public library, post office or DMV. By boosting voter turnout we boost our democracy.
Registering not only gives you a voice, but it is a vehicle for knowledge on the issues. The public data you provide when you register not only allows for information on California Propositions to be sent to you, but it also allows you to interface with your candidates. Each candidate can communicate her or his ideas with you through mailers, phone calls or email. Without this ability for a candidate to speak directly to voters, only those who shout the loudest or have the most money would be empowered. Our democracy would be skewed and would not allow for equality among candidates.
Registering to vote creates a two-way line of communication directly between voters and candidates! Democracy is in your hands. Register and then take the time to look at that mailer or door hanger. Take the time to open that email. Empower yourselves.
The Lamorinda community is truly a special one. People are involved. People care. Let's keep it that way. See you at the polls.
Mark Kindhouse