Published February 21st, 2018
Feng Shui
By Michele Duffy
The headboard and luxurious bedding with little red accents amps up the romance and a carpet softens the luxury and compliments the de rigueur pairs of bedside tables and reading lights in this newly redesigned Orinda master bedroom. Photos provided
While love should fill every day and every moment of our lives - not just on the annual special occasions - these times can pointedly serve as a useful reminder to refresh and recharge certain areas of our lives and homes for the better. The feng shui of the master bedroom is a logical and fun place to get focused after Valentine's Day, so here are several key tips to make the spot where we spend restful and romantic time a cozy place you will love every day.

First, whether you are in a relationship or not, loving yourself is the first relationship of importance and allowing yourself to have a master bedroom of your dreams creates a good starting point. So if you are tired of the bedding, want to freshen up the space with new color, or if the art doesn't promote a restful or romantic vibe, then consider how much time you spend there, and give yourself the gift of an upgrade. Remember, if you are interested in attracting someone into your life, you must make room for them energetically as well, so no single nightstands or lonely art work. Instead, try to balance out the setting by flanking the master bed with a pair of bedside tables with 100-watt lighting that allows for reading in bed, and add uplifting romantic art images. Remember to discard your old mattress you shared with your ex if you are serious about meeting someone new.

If you are already in a relationship, all of the above still applies and the remaking of your bedroom with your partner can be another way to collaborate intimately, to stoke the fires of passion and deepen your connection from within your own home.

Second, stand back and stop for a minute and contemplate whether you love the color on your master bedroom walls and in the master bedroom bath. Is your bedding bland and boring or do the colors inspire rest and romance? Are the color of the drapes or window blinds neutral, allowing for as much natural light to pour in while still allowing the privacy that window treatments are designed to offer? Master bedrooms should not have active yang or active wall colors like red, bright yellow or orange. The master bedroom walls should encourage relaxation and rest and so the colors you choose should be zen-like, yin and on the lighter side with respect to the hue. If you want a darker wall for drama try painting the wall behind the bed that you don't actually see while you are in bed.

Third, from a feng shui perspective, the master bed is the single most important piece of furniture in the entire house. Why? Think about how much time we all spend in our beds, sleeping there eight or nine hours a night at least. Does your bed have a proper bed frame with a soft upholstered or wooden headboard? Feng Shui frowns on metal beds especially the ones with metal bars or slats which are uncomfortable to lean against and where your head can get stuck. They energetically resemble being behind bars while you are in your bed, which is not what you are going for in the sacred spot that crowns romance and rest. Is your mattress begging for retirement? If you are budget minded and need both a new sofa and a new bed, guess which comes first? The bed! Getting a solid night's sleep is a gift you can give one another that will keep giving for years to come. There's really no reason to sleep on an uncomfortable mattress. Do you love your bedding and comforter or quilt, or have you just been putting up with it? Fresh new options and ideas bound, so focus on the bed for excellent returns. Placing your intention first on the bed will deliver long lasting positive results and getting it right is not a luxury, it is a necessity. The same is true of the bed frame. If you don't have one, it should be a priority to lift the bed off the floor into a frame with a headboard at least. You will feel more secure and get a more restful sleep. Try not to store anything under your bed either.

Energetically place your bed securely in the "commanding position" which is diagonal from the bedroom door and facing the door but not directly in line with the door. Place your bed against a solid wall as well, and not in front of windows.

If your master bedroom layout doesn't allow for bed placement in the commanding position due to a bath door, closets or windows, don't fret, simply place the bed in the best available spot and apply other Feng Shui tips to create a restful retreat.

Finally, surround yourself with the personalized luxury that your budget allows including sumptuous bedding, inspirational images that inspire romance or remind you of the bond with your partner, like photos of you together and also peaceful nature inspired images.

Add lavender essential oil diffusers or soy candles so fragrance wafts in the air, and add carpets, rugs and pillows so softness and rejuvenation are paramount. Any clutter should automatically find a home elsewhere or be donated or discarded, and as you settle into your fresh new re-dux space are you feeling more connected to nourishing yourself and the second most important relationship you have with your partner?

Please let me know how my tips inspired you to create a zen-like master bedroom that soundly harmonizes our very basic human need need for love, sleep, and romance.

Surround yourself with Romantic art, which can be photos of you and your partner or whatever feels juicy to you, like this print.
Surround yourself with nature inspired art which can also resemble romance like photos or prints of flowers that represent love.
Candles create a romantic atmosphere perfect for the master bedroom.
The Bagua Map: Front Door

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