Published October 17th, 2018
New vision of education explored in film, 'Beyond Measure'
By David O'Connell
Photo provided
The Saklan School will host a screening of Vicki Abel's latest film, "Beyond Measure," on Oct. 18 at the Lafayette Veterans Hall. Abel's earlier film, "Race to Nowhere," chronicled the problems with the U.S. educational system that is often transfixed on test scores, competitive college admissions and plowing through a curriculum a mile wide, but an inch deep. Abel does what students are asked to do when they come across a problem: Do not just tell me about the problem; come to me with a solution.

In "Beyond Measure," Abel travels across the country discovering schools that have a new vision of education. She speaks with educators, parents and most importantly students, asking viewers to reconsider the purpose of education. What if our education system valued personal growth over test scores? Put inquiry over mimicry? Encouraged passion over rankings? What if we decided that the higher aim of school was not the transmission of facts or formulas, but the transformation of every student? And what if this paradigm-shift was driven from the ground up?

"Beyond Measure" speaks to the idea that schools should be places that are academic, but also require students to play a role in the design of their education - a place where students develop a love of learning by leading their own learning, a place where intrinsic curiosity is fostered, creating a passion for learning, a place where students develop the courage to try new things as well as the courage to fail.

Anyone interested in helping shape the future of education is invited to attend the showing 6:30 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Lafayette Veteran's Hall. Tickets are available at

Direct link to the ticket site:

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