Published December 25, 2018
Caltrans throws wrench in work on new Canyon Bridge
By Vera Kochan
Temporary Canyon Bridge Photo Vera Kochan
Edric Kwan, Moraga's director of public works, had some bad news to impart to the town council during its Dec. 12 meeting. Construction of the New Canyon Bridge would be delayed an additional year.

Even though Kwan and the town's senior civil engineer, Shawn Knapp, met all of the Caltrans deadlines, making sure to provide a faultless reimbursement package, the stars simply didn't align.

In a last minute meeting on Dec. 10, Caltrans told Kwan that the funding was no longer available. Caltrans did offer to change the status of the project to "advanced construction," which would provide higher priority for the project when funds do become available.

According to Kwan, the staff had done everything possible to get the funding to begin the construction process in January. "Caltrans headquarters in Sacramento has a Bridge Structural Review division. They are six months behind, and they do not have a timeframe for turnaround like they do with local assistance. Because of that delay, we will miss the construction season for 2019."

Caltrans was able to find funding for the fiscal year 2020-21. However, this means the project won't begin until 2020, when the reviews are completed. Kwan said he always approaches any project with a Plan B. "This gives more time to get the new package prepared and get bids out early." With this delay he hopes to get better bid offers for the construction.

Moraga Town Manager Cynthia Battenberg added, "The good news is that we're not budgeted to receive the funds in the 2018-19 fiscal year, and we've increased our priority for funding."

Kwan explained that although the emergency relief funds covering the $11,000 per month rental of the temporary bridge expires in September, the town will pursue additional grants by asking for an extension toward the permanent repair phase.

Drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians can take comfort in knowing that the temporary bridge has served Moraga well and will continue do to so for as long as is necessary.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA