Published September 18th, 2019
Moraga Royale celebrates Grandparents Day
Submitted by Diane Wilson
Moraga Royale residents, families and friends compete in the cakewalk. Photo Kate Florence
Moraga Royale invited friends, family and the community as guests to their 12th annual celebration of Grandparents Day, which highlights seniors and their contribution to our society.
Over 350 children and adults alike enjoyed a fun-filled day of barbecue, snow cones, popcorn, face-painting, balloon art, and a petting zoo filled with miniature goats, pigs, rabbits, ducks and exotic chickens. Games, prizes, a bounce house, and cakewalks were also enjoyed by everyone.
An upbeat Blues band played throughout the day and the grand finale was an outstanding puppet show enjoyed by everyone of all ages.
The firefighters of Station 41 showed their support and made a spectacular entrance on the very fire engine they use to keep residents safe.
Thanks to the volunteers from Moraga Rotary, the Moraga Junior Woman's Club and MVPC Puppet Ambassadors who gave of their time to help Moraga Royale seniors celebrate with fun and laughter.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA