Published October 16th, 2019
Lafayette kicks off park refurbishment with a cool $300K
By Pippa Fisher
Smiles all around as Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan presented a check for $300,000 to the city of Lafayette for the new ADA playground on Brook Street. Photo Pippa Fisher
Lafayette's only downtown park is about to get a huge boost thanks to the efforts of Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan who, working with the city and Park, Trails and Recreation Commissioner Lauren Herpich, secured funding to the tune of $300,000 for the refurbishment of Brook Street Park.

City Council Member Teresa Gerringer accepted the check from Bauer-Kahan at a presentation in the park attended by city leaders, commissioners and playground supporters Oct. 2.

The original pirate ship play structure was removed earlier this year when it was found to be unsafe. The city hopes to install the new structure - a "Lafayette Airlines" helicopter, airplane and swing set - in spring 2020. The American with Disabilities Act-friendly facilities will be designed for children younger than 5 and for those with special needs and will feature both traditional swings and a unique "expression swing" which has been shown to enhance the social, emotional and cognitive well being of children and adults. The new playground will also include a spinning gravity seat, additional fencing and more picnic tables.

Mayor Mike Anderson expressed the city's gratitude. "We are grateful to Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, and our parks, trails and recreation commissioners and staff, for working together to find this funding," he said. "With it, Lafayette's Brook Street Park will be a safer and much more fun destination for our children and their families to enjoy."

Bauer-Kahan says she values local parks as an opportunity to foster a love of the outdoors in children.

"Securing much-needed, accessible and modern outdoor space for recreation for our community's children of all abilities is a priority for me," Bauer-Kahan said. "I am delighted that the governor saw fit to include this worthy project in this year's state budget. I am thrilled that my office, the city, and the parks, trails and recreation commissioners were able to forge such a successful partnership."

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