Published March 18th, 2020
Sparks girls win LMYA championship
Submitted by Aria Falahati (fifth grade, BVE)
Players from top left: InĒs Coyne, Talia Rosenblat, Aria Falahati, Evelyn Hollenberg, Sarah Weaver, Elina Ojha, Kayli Wright, and Mikala Reynolds (not pictured). Coaches: Rustom Falahati and Doug Cardoni. Photo provided
The fourth-fifth grade Sparks girls won their championship game on Feb. 29th against the Sky. The Sparks were evenly mixed with four fourth graders and four fifth graders from Burton Valley and Lafayette Elementary schools. The game was at Springhill Elementary. The Sparks finished the season with only 1 loss and 8 wins in the LMYA league with 6 teams. The Sparks also played in the halftime game for Saint Mary's College on Feb. 8th. That day Saint Mary's won against the top 10 ranked Gonzaga women's team!

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