Published April 29th, 2020
Moraga Rotary makes 1K face shields for East Bay hospitals & facilities
Submitted by Hubert Ma and Gary Irwin
Moraga Rotarian Mary Sue Erickson uses a band saw to cut precise foam blocks to make the forehead pieces for face shields. Photo John Erickson
One thousand plastic face shields to help protect medical staff are being constructed and delivered by Moraga Rotary Club to local and regional medical service providers and essential workers. These plastic shields are used in addition to face masks, and provide additional protection to medical professionals who are battling this pandemic day in and day out. It was Rotary's way to give back to the medical professionals by making something that would help protect them as they help protect us.
The project commenced in late March by Rotarians Debbie Koo and Hubert Ma in a conversation about the shortage of face shields. Materials were ordered the very next day, and the first face shields were being made within the week, following established designs, and costing a bit more than $2 per shield. Requests for shields may be made to
The face shields have been delivered to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, John Muir Health Medical Center, and Sutter Health, and to our local Moraga Royale, and 100 will be delivered to County Connection bus drivers. Some appreciative comments include: "Resources [face shields] like these are life savers for our front line caregivers, and we appreciate your effort on our behalf," Jamie Wood of Sutter Health commented, and Rowena Chesney of John Muir Health said they "are very fortunate for the community's generous support."
Dianne Wilson of Moraga Royale said, "Face shields provided by Moraga Rotary equip those on the front line who are protecting our most vulnerable citizens."
Rotary Club of Moraga is a 53-year-old service club within Rotary International, one of about 34,000 Rotary Clubs in about 200 countries. Regular meetings are held on most Tuesdays at noon, currently via teleconference. If you are interested in joining Rotary or would like more information, please contact or visit the website at to get in touch with Brian South, membership chair.
Moraga Royale Senior Advisor Dianne Wilson (in blue) assists Executive Director Loto Rickman, left, and Medical Technician Lei Akoteu with their personal protective equipment, now including plastic face shields made by Moraga Rotary.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA