![](../images/for_pdf/1426-01401.jpg) | | Leon Kennedy: "Thank God for Giving Me My Heart" 18"x24", acrylic on canvas | | | | | | In celebration of Black History Month, the Lamorinda Arts Council is presenting a virtual exhibit of Leon Kennedy's paintings. The exhibit is entitled "Twelve Apostles," so named because the artist loves the church he attends - out of doors during COVID-19 - and loves painting the people he meets as he walks around Oakland.
"My dream is to connect to all the people's dreams," Kennedy says. Born in Houston, but an Oakland resident for some time, Kennedy is a self-taught artist. According to John Hildenbrand, Kennedy's agent, "Once you are familiar with Leon Kennedy's paintings, you'll recognize his work anywhere."
Kennedy has frequent shows and workshops at Oakland Public Library branches. On Feb. 18, the St. Mary's Center will host Kennedy in a virtual Zoom meeting from 11 a.m. to noon honoring Black History Month and celebrating the music and art of Oakland. Participants may join with meeting ID 857 0496 8720 and passcode 472245; Those who wish to attend the Zoom meeting are requested to RSVP to jcastillo@stmaryscenter.org.
The Art Gallery at Wilder is managed by the Lamorinda Arts Council and is located in the Wilder Art & Garden Center at 20 Orinda Fields Lane in Orinda. Owing to the pandemic, it is currently closed.
The Art Gallery at the Orinda Library is honoring the educators who mentor the kindergarten through eighth grade student participants in Arts Ambassadors programs. Each spring, AA artwork fills the entire library gallery. Because COVID-19 restrictions prohibited this year's event, the Lamorinda Arts Council decided to celebrate 15 art educators who make it all happen.
Both galleries may be viewed at https://lamorindaarts.org/online-galleries/
Leon Kennedy's art is also displayed on his website www.leonkennedy.com |