Pacific Chamber Orchestra returns to concert stage
Submitted by Shelly Rose
Photo provided
Pacific Chamber Orchestra's first program of its 2021-22 season is themed "Renewal" and will be performed at 7:30 p.m. July?17 in Moraga at the Campolindo Performing Arts Center and at 3 p.m. July?18 in Livermore at the Bankhead Theater. Music Director Lawrence Kohl chose Beethoven's Fifth Symphony because it embodies a snapshot of our current emergence from a tempestuous journey to some kind of new normal.
At the end of such a journey comes `Renewal' or a return to freshness and vigor. Beethoven's Sixth Symphony, also known as the Pastoral, weaves a harmonic background into a stream. The stream reaches a pool alive with a chorus of birdcall. Beethoven penned this note to describe his final movement: "The Shepherd's Song After the Storm."
Join in the PCO's triumphant return to the concert stage and sail with them through musical storms to a peaceful renewal. For more information and tickets go to