Published April 10th, 2024
April showers bring May flowers
By Toris Jaeger, Naturalist
Indian Lettuce/ Roo' reh Photo Toris Jaeger
In most years in California, our rains begin at the end of October and end usually at the end of March.

Flowers are one of Mother Nature's precious gifts for the pollinators which in turn propagate our food plants and shrubs and trees.

Nature comes alive with much beauty in the Spring and Summer months.

I always think of the flowers as "eye candy".

Since Mother Nature is so generous with her gifts to us, we can help her by removing many of the non-native plants that have found their way into our landscapes.

Some were brought here accidently, the non-native grass, while some were brought here as food like some of the fruit trees.

At the top of the list of unwanted plants are: French Broom, Vinca, Ivy, Hemlock Chinese Parsley and Oxalis.

They are in bloom now and should be pull up by the roots before they go to seed.

You can also help Mother Nature by planting California Native once the weeds have been removed.

This time of the year growing along side the invasive plants is our Native Indian Lettuce.

The OHLONE word for the lettuce is ROO' REH.

It is very high in vitamin c and is very tasty.

Enjoy your pursuit of removing the non-native plants, planting Natives and enjoying the ROO' REH.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA