Published May 8th, 2024
Author Katie Hafner speaking at the May Sweet Thursday Author Series
Submitted by Laurie Miles
Ethan Fawcett gets a letter from a bike touring company, asking him to not sign up for another trip. So begins 'The Boys', Katie Hafner's taut and utterly delightful debut novel. When introverted Ethan Fawcett marries Barb, he has every reason to believe he will be delivered from a lifetime of solitude. One day Barb brings home two brothers, Tommy and Sam, for them to foster, and when the pandemic hits, Ethan becomes obsessed with providing a perfect life for the boys. Instead of bringing Barb and Ethan closer together, though, the boys become a wedge in their relationship, as Ethan is unable to share with Barb a secret that has been haunting him since childhood. When Ethan takes Tommy and Sam on a biking trip in Italy, and it becomes clear just how unusual Ethan and his children are - what it will take for Ethan to repair his marriage. It is a character study, social commentary on pandemic isolation, and an incredible journey back to center.
Katie Hafner was on staff at The New York Times for ten years, where she remains a frequent contributor, writing on healthcare and technology. She is the author of six works of nonfiction covering a diverse range of topics, including the origins of the Internet, computer hackers, German reunification, and the pianist Glenn Gould. 'The Boys' is her first novel.
Join the Sweet Thursday Author Series on May 16 at 7 p.m. in the DTCH at the Lafayette Library & Learning Center to hear the discussion with the author, Katie Hafner. Register to attend in person at The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for coffee and sweets. This program is presented by The Friends of the Lafayette Library.

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