| Published January 5th, 2011 | business briefs | |  | Music group at Terzetto with teacher Carol Alban (standing left with flute) and Terzetto owner Roos Pal (standing right)
Photo Sophie Braccini
| Fun Music for Kids at Terzetto - While You Eat!
1419 Moraga Way, Moraga, 376-3832
A unique idea occurred to Terzetto Cuisine owner Roos Pal when she met Carol Alban, a fellow Moragan and music teacher: offering a free musical experience to children in the restaurant, while their parents have dinner. "Tuesday night is our Kids' Night, with a special .99 cent children menu, and I had been thinking for a while about adding some activities for children," says Pal. "Sometimes it is hard for parents to bring kids to a restaurant; they deserve to have a relaxed dinner, too!" When flutist and music professor Carol Alban came to the restaurant to find a venue for a benefit concert for Haiti, the two women started talking and the idea of musical evenings for kids formed. "This is a free-format group lesson for children age 7 to 17," explains Alban, "There is a piano, along with keyboards and guitars; some of my students come with their instruments, others do not know anything about music. We explore together, we play, we have fun and by the end of the evening we can all play something together." The musical Tuesdays are scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (in January, it will be on the 11th and the 25th), starting at 5:30 p.m. "We've done it twice already and had 9-10 children participating," says Pal, "they liked it because there is no competition, no pressure, and they just have fun with music." Alban's way of teaching is about teaching the children the joy of playing: "I think that each Tuesday will be different, depending on who comes," said Alban, "I want to give them all the pleasure of creating music together." For more information about Alban, go to: www.myspace.com/carolalban.

News from the three Chambers of Commerce
- No Mixer in January for the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce. Save the date of February 9 for the first mixer of 2011 at Wells Fargo Bank, 5:30- 7pm.
- Shop Lafayette Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 1, 12:30pm in the Chamber Conference Room
- Green Committee Meeting on Wednesday, January 19 at noon in the Chamber Conference Room. BYOL (Bring your own lunch).
- Entrepreneur's Club on Thursday, January 20, 8:30am in the Chamber Conference Room
- Chamber General Meeting on January 28, 7:30 -9am). The first General Meeting of the year will be held at the Hacienda, 2100 Donald Drive. Roos' muffins and delicious coffee will be served.
- Orinda Chamber Luncheon on Friday, January 28, 2011, noon-1:30pm at the Orinda Country Club, 315 Camino Sobrante, Orinda. RSVP highly recommended - to purchase tickets online go to the Chamber's web site at orindachamber.org. The cost is $30.00 per person. The guest speaker is Tom Franier - co-owner of Semifreddi's Bakery. He will be talking about "Slow Capitalism."
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