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Published on August 28th, 2024
From Grocery Cart to Chaos: Overbuying Food
Food management might not be your favorite topic, but saving $1,000 a year might be! Many of my clients struggle with overbuying food products and then end up throwing them away. Here are some key reasons this happens and ways to prevent it.
Jennifer Raftis, CPO, Efficiency Matters, LLC

Published on August 28th, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Nature loves to hide." Heraclitus
In the winter, these ladies are wrapped in lush green manteaus that glisten in the rain. When warmer weather commences in late spring, their coats ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on August 14th, 2024
Fire safety
There we were, having dinner at a house near Serene Lakes, when a text message alerted us to a forest fire about ten miles north of our location. Looking out from the deck, we could see a plume of smoke rising straight up into the sky. Fortunately, there was no wind ...By Jim Hurley

Published on August 14th, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"I farm the soil which yields my food, I share creation. Kings can do no more." Chinese Proverb
Last week I hosted "Nonie Camp" for my granddaughter. We spent four days and nights of ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on July 31st, 2024
County Assessor certifies and delivers the 2024-2025 County Assessment Roll
(Martinez, CA) - The "2024-2025" Assessor's ...

Published on July 31st, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." John Steinbeck
It is still hot, yet a cool breeze wafts through the patio where I am writing under ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on July 17th, 2024
Making sense of expiration dates
Expiration dates can be a bit confusing, and it's understandable why clients often have questions about them.
Everything seems to have an expiration date now-food, medications, ...
By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on July 17th, 2024
The Real Estate Quarter in Review
The second quarter of 2024 remained steady ...By Conrad Bassett, CRP, GMS-T

Published on July 17th, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
May the sun bring you new energy by day. May the moon softly restore you by night." Apache Blessing
Baby, it's hot outside! Cuts and bruises from gardening in my preferred wardrobe of my ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Organizing tips: top 12 things you can easily get rid of right now
I often receive calls from clients who are overwhelmed by the amount of items they have in their homes and garages and don't know how to start editing their belongings. I compiled this list based on items I often find in my clients' homes that take up space but may not ...By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Just living isn't enough," said the butterfly. "One must also have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." Hans Christian Andersen
When we think of July, Independence Day looms large. ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on June 19th, 2024
Power tools for your home repair project
"The right tool for the job". I had to google that phrase to assure myself that it is not a direct quote from someone. How many times has someone said it to you when they've completed a difficult repair? I heard it once from a person who had just tightened a loose ...By Jim Hurley

Published on June 19th, 2024
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Life is just a bowl of cherries. So live and laugh at it all." Lyrics by Lew Brown, Sung by Rudy Vall‚e, 1931
The birds are flocking to the two trees. Every day I watch them devour my ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on June 5th, 2024
Councils receive updates on Home Insurance situation
Northern California Outreach Manager Lisa Strange, in presenting the Lafayette City Council with an update on insurance reform from Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, began by explaining the wide scope of the department's role-and emphasized one crucial limi ...By Lou Fancher

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