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Letters to the Editor
Election Season SPECIAL POLICY: Letters to the Editor Letters related to a candidate running for office should be a maximum of 200 words so that we will have room to publish as many letters as possible. Letters regarding ballot measures will remain up to 350 words maximum. Deadline is now NOON on Thursday prior to the issue date.

Letters to the Editor are a way for Lamorinda residents to further a community conversation about local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 350 words long, and should include the full name, address and phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Published letters will include the writer’s name and city/town of residence. Letters must be accurate, cannot involve personal attacks on people or businesses, cannot be defamatory, and cannot include charges without verifiable information to be considered for publication.  Lamorinda Weekly reserves the right to refuse publishing a letter submission. Email your letter to letters@lamorindaweekly.com. Lamorinda Weekly is published every other Wednesday; the deadline for letters is 3pm the preceding Friday.

email: letters@lamorindaweekly.com

Event Calendar
For local events to be listed in our Not to be Missed section, email 50-75 words summarizing the important details of the event to calendar@lamorindaweekly.com. The submission should be text in the body of the email. We can normally run your item for two issues in advance of the event.

The Lamorinda Weekly is published every other Wednesday and submissions to calendar are due no later than the preceding Friday. It is best to submit your item at least three weeks prior to the event date. To be considered for the free listing, the event should be within, or taking place very near, Lamorinda. This section is for free or very low cost events which are open to all to attend. You will receive an automated reply confirming receipt of your email. See the last calendar here

email: calendar@lamorindaweekly.com

General interest ideas for articles can be emailed to storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com. Please include a brief description of the person, event or situation of interest and include a phone number and email address for a contact to be interviewed if available. A photograph may be included; please provide the names of everyone in the photo as well as the name and email address of the photographer. All photos should be 1,000 pixels wide at 200 dpi.
email: storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com

phone: call our office at 925-377-0977

Community Service
Representatives from Lamorinda’s dedicated community service organizations can submit news and information about their activities. Submissions can be sent to storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com with the subject header “In Service to the Community”. A photograph should be included if possible; please provide the names of everyone in the photo as well as the name and email address of the photographer. All photos should be 1,000 pixels wide at 200 dpi.
email: storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com

phone: call our office at 925-377-0977

We’d love to know what’s happening at your school! Please send submissions of up to 300 words, or article ideas, to storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com. A photograph should be included if possible; please provide the names of everyone in the photo (if minors are pictured in a private event/activity, parents must give permission for their child’s name/image to be published) as well as the name and email address of the photographer. All photos should be 1,000 pixels wide at 200 dpi.
email: storydesk@lamorindaweekly.com

phone: call our office at 925-377-0977

For sports submissions, please e-mail a 150-175 word write-up and a captioned photo to sportsdesk@lamorindaweekly.com. The write-up should include the full name and date of the event. Please provide the names, city of residence (ages and grades if applicable) of everyone in the photo as well as the name and email address of the photographer. All photos should be 1,000 pixels wide at 200 dpi.
If you have contact information for a coach or another person who could provide more background information, please include that in the email. Please note: the submission will be attributed to whoever sends it in, unless specifically accredited to another person.
email: sportsdesk@lamorindaweekly.com

phone: call our office at 925-377-0977

Please note that by submitting text and/or photos to Lamorinda Weekly you are giving us permission to publish your content, in full or in part, in both the print and online editions of Lamorinda Weekly.

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