Calendar Listings issue #22, January 5, 2011 |
The Lafayette Gallery is presenting the Heart Throb Exhibit. There will be a "meet the artists" reception from 6:30-8:30pm on Friday, February 4. Gallery Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-5pm. Located at 50 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette. Admission is free. For more information please call (925) 284-2788 or go to
The Orinda Library Gallery will showcase over twenty images of Orinda from the early 1900's as part of the exhibit New Images of Old Orinda - 1901 to 1920's sponsored by the Orinda Historical Society (OHS). The newly discovered photos of Orinda were taken between 1901 and the mid-1920's by Edward I. deLaveaga. The opening reception for the exhibit will be held on Friday, January 7th from 4:30-6pm. For more information, contact the Orinda Historical society at (925) 254-1353. (Read the article in our Dec. 22nd issue on our web site at www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue0421/Next-Up-in-the-Library-Gallery-New-Images-of-Old-Orinda.html.)
The Moraga Art Gallery ushers in a new show, 2 plus 2 = 1, shorthand for "Two Artists, Two Visions: A Singular Experience," on January 11, 2011. The exhibit brings together paintings in various media by Orinda's Beryl Glen-Reiland and watercolors by Moraga's George Ehrenhaft. An opening reception-- Saturday, January 15 from 3-5pm will feature live music by Andrea Farrell, a classical guitarist and singer. All are invited to the Gallery located in the Rheem Shopping Center, 570 Center Street, Moraga, to eat, drink, look and listen. For more information call (925) 376-5407.
The Performing Arts Society's Tuesday evening concert for January will open with Cesar Franck's Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano, followed by Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E-flat Major Opus 31, no. 3. The free concert concludes with John Marvin's Pieces for English Horn and Piano and Elliott Carter's Pastoral for English Horn and Piano. January 11, 8pm. Located at the Grace Presbyterian Church, 2100 Tice Valley Boulevard, Walnut Creek. For more information go to www.ccpas.org.
2010 Grammy award winning Pacific Boychoir Academy and the Lafayette Library and Learning Center Foundation present "A Magical, Musical Afternoon" on Sunday, January 23rd at 4:30pm at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. "The sound that these boys produce is of a quality that I have not heard in any group of young singers performing in the States at present. This is combined with secure intonation, sensitive blend, strong musicianship and a rigid discipline which never inhibits the pure joy that these boys invest in their singing." - Donald Palumbo, Chorus Master, Metropolitan Opera.
The Gold Coast Chamber Players present: Harmony and Melody, a celebration of Black History Month. Saturday, January 29 at 7:30pm and Sunday, January 30 at 2pm. General admission is 30$. For more information please call (925) 283-3728.
The Saint Mary's January Term's Children's Theater presents: A staged adaptation of the classic Grimm Brothers story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Performances on Wednesday, January 26 at 7pm and Thursday, January 27 at 4pm.
Where: LeFevre Theater, Saint Mary's College of California, 1928 St. Mary's Rd., Moraga. Tickets: Only $8.00, available by calling (925) 631-4670 or e-mailing Sharon Cahill at scahill@stmarys-ca.edu.
San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival presents San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival Auditions on Jan 8, 10am-6pm; Jan 9, 10am-7pm; Jan 15, 10am-7:30pm; Jan 16, 10am-7pm, at Zellerbach Hall, University of California, Bancroft Way at Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley. More than 130 Northern California companies perform cultural dances in hopes of securing a slot in the 2011 San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival! Cost: $10/day; free for children 12 and under. For more info see
http://www.worldartswest.org or call (415) 474-3914.
An international film showcase at the Orinda Theater will premier "Max Manus," Norway's 2009 best film award and Oscar submission, for one week starting on January 28, 2011. It is the true story of Norway's Nazi-fighting war hero. Please check www.lfef.org or the International Film Showcase page on Facebook
California Independent Film Festival 2011 will open Friday, January 28 and will run through Thursday, February 3 at The New Rheem Theatre in Moraga. For the complete CAIFF 2011 line up go to www.caiff.org. Tickets for all of the films and showcases are available online at the CAIFF website or at the theater. Advance purchase is advised for the opening night screening of The 5th Quarter, the Slate Awards, and closing night film, Mayor Cupcake.
See article.
The OML Branch of AAUW promises another outstanding program at its Jan. 18 monthly meeting at the Serbian Cultural Center in Moraga at 9:30 am in presenting well-known dancer Lois Flood who has been interpreting the exquisite dances of the incomparable Isadora Duncan for over 20 years. Duncan impacted the world of dance of the early 20th century like no other dancer. Flood performs lecture/dance programs at theaters, museums and colleges all over northern California as well as teaching master classes in NYC, Paris and San Francisco. This program is free and open to the public.
SMC Jan Term Speaker Series: Tuesday, January 25 at 7pm, Robert B. Reich, the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, will explain why it's so difficult for us to get out of the gravitational pull of the Great Recession and why American politics is becoming angrier and more polarized. In his view, the two are related. Professor Reich's most recent book is the bestseller "Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future." He blogs at www.robertreich.org. Soda Activity Center, Saint Mary's College of California, 1928 St. Mary's Rd., Moraga.
"God's Outrageous Universe: Studies in Faith & Science" Retired nuclear physicist, Dr. Roland (Rollie) Otto will speak about "Dark Energy", "Dark Matter" and "Gravity" Jan 9, 16, and 23rd from 9:45-10:30am at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, 433 Moraga Way, Orinda. Info: Lisa @ 925-254-3422 or
The Truth About the Litigation Explosion is the subject for the First Friday Forum meeting January 7, 1:30pm, in the Sanctuary of the Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church, 49 Knox Drive, Lafayette. The public is cordially invited. For further information call (925)283-8722 or go online, LOPC.org, News and Information.
The Contra Costa Jewish Day School invites prospective families to a School Tour for Kindergarten - 8th grade on Wednesday, January 12, 9:30-11:00am at the school, 3836 Mount Diablo Blvd., Lafayette (next to Temple Isaiah). For further information and to RSVP please contact Amy Wittenberg, Admissions Director at (925) 284-8288 or amyw@ccjds.org or visit www.ccjds.org.
Stop Ear Infections Once and For All Homeopathy Every Day Study Group, Thurs., Jan. 20, 6 - 7pm, Conference Room, Floor 2, 43 Quail Court, Suite 215, Walnut Creek. Natalya Golovanov, ND, and Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA) discuss common approaches to homeopathy for ear infections and strep throat in children. Fee $9.00. Contact: Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA) (925) 826-3858;
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The Living Lean marathon invites you to come exercise for a cause at Orinda's Theatre Square. Saturday January 15, $40 per person (ALL proceeds donated to SHELTER, Inc.) SHELTER, Inc. is an independent, charitable, nonprofit organization founded in 1986 to alleviate Contra Costa County's homeless crisis. Their mission is to help homeless families obtain homes, prevent families from losing their homes, and purchase and maintain affordable housing.
Workshop at the Lafayette Library & Learning Center, for free Facebook strategies. Wednesday, January 19, 8-9:30am. Topics include time efficient strategies and tactics you can use to leverage Facebook to help achieve your 2011 business goals. Reservations are recommended due to limited seating. Email your reservations today at workshops@lafayettechamber.org.
Moraga Movers will start the New Year with a luncheon at St. Mary's Soda Center on January 10 at 11am. The speaker is Jane Hoffman from the John Muir Hospital Garrett, a shop taking used items for sale to fund special needs at the hospital. Members and guests can call (925)376-6622 for reservations. Lamorinda residents age 55 and older may also call.
Montelindo Garden Club general meeting and speakers, third Friday of the month, September through May. Meeting Place: Orinda Community Church, 10 Irwin Way, Orinda. Refreshments and plant and garden accessory sale at 9am meeting at 9:30, and speaker at 10:30. The meeting is free and welcomes guests and new members. Web Site: www.montelindogarden.com. email contact: montelindogarden@aol.com. On Friday, January 21, our speaker will be Laural Roaldson, owner of Laural Landscapes in Walnut Creek. Her topic is "Maximizing Your Yard Without the Lawn."
Lafayette Garden Club meets at 9:30am, second Thursdays monthly, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1035 Carol Lane, Lafayette. The topic for Jan. 13 is "The 10 Worst Mistakes You Can Make In Your Garden and Why, Good Design is a Must." Our speaker Jill Appenzeller is a passionate gardener, author and landscaper designer. Her articles have been featured in many national and local publications and on HDTV.
American Legion Post 517's Crab Feed & Raffle to Benefit The Boys State & The Fisher House of Palo Alto will be on Sunday, January 9 at The Veteran's Memorial Building, 3780 Mt. Diablo Blvd in Lafayette. Friendship Hour: 5pm; Dinner: 6pm.
Tickets are $40.00. For information and ticket sales call 510-919-1074 or 510-407-7032 or email: andyb@pveventgroup.com.
Knights of Columbus Council #7683 16th annual Crab Feed, Saturday, Jan 29 in St. Monica's Peace Room in Moraga. Appetizers and no-host cocktails will be served at 6pm. Dinner at 7:30pm. Tickets are $50. Contact Karl Anderson at (925) 283-3679.
Crab Feed & Dance, Saturday, February 5, 6-11pm, Holy Trinity Cultural Center, 1700 School Street, Moraga. Music provided by popular DJ. Dinner & Dance $37.50; Dance only $10. For non-crab lovers: Chicken available by special advance order request. Dinner tickets MUST be purchased in advance. For info. & reservations call (925) 672-6799.
Soroptimist International of 24-680's annual Crab Feed & silent auction, Saturday February 12, 5:30 pm, Lower Court Oakwood Athletic Club, Lafayette, $40 per person. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Soroptimist International's mission is to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world. For tickets & information: (925) 285-7797 or si24-680@soroptimist.net.
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