| Published August 17th, 2011 | Bike Pathway Plans Keep Rolling Along | By Cathy Tyson | | | After a number of meetings and site visits, and input from cyclists, business owners, and residents, a draft of the Options Study of the Multi-purpose Pathway is available online and a public presentation is scheduled for August 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Community Hall at the Library. Concerned residents can learn about all of the facets of the proposed downtown pathway: what it is, why it's important, where it's located and how much it's expected to cost. Check out the draft study at www.lafayettepathway.com.
"Over the years, there's been a lot of interest in what could and couldn't be done along this segment of the EBMUD Aqueduct ROW (right of way)," explains Lafayette Transportation Planner Leah Greenblat. "This study is intended to provide the answers. If the City wants to pursue a pathway, the study serves as a long-range planning document so the City can appropriately plan for the pathway as nearby properties are developed or redeveloped. This will help the City make the most of any opportunities that may come along."
What about a general timeframe, especially in these tough economic times? "We don't anticipate that the whole pathway would be constructed in the very near-term, but when the economy turns around, the City will be in a good place to consider its options," Greenblat said. "Today we are asking, in the long-range vision of the City - is an off-street pathway through the downtown something the City should pursue?"
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