| Published October 26th, 2011 | Rez Run Fun for the Whole Family | By Cathy Tyson |  | The McQuain family at the Reservoir Run in 2003 (from left): Karla McQuain, Barry McQuain, Kyle (at age 4), Grampa Chuck Froese of Orinda (70 at the time photo was taken), Bailey (7), Grandma Marty Froese (70), Morgan (8), Uncle Greg Froese of Orinda (42), and Regan (4). Photo provided by the McQuain family
| Karla McQuain and family have been regularly donning their sneakers for the Reservoir Run since 1996. "I did the 2K pushing my daughter in a stroller that year," said McQuain, who describes herself as not a serious runner, although she gives credit to husband Barry as being more of a fitness buff.
In the ensuing years, her brother and parents have joined the group and the kids have magically grown up. The McQuains make the Rez Run a priority even though the kids' have travelling soccer; they just have to miss that day. Enjoying the pancake breakfast and seeing many of their friends and neighbors makes it a unique annual event. Now that official finishing times are available on-line for each runner/jogger, even post-pancakes, participants can attempt to break their own records.
McQuain grew up in Orinda and moved to the Happy Valley neighborhood of Lafayette years ago. The little one in the stroller is now old enough to drive - Morgan is now 16, Bailey is 15 and the twins Regan and Kyle are 12. Look for all of the McQuains, including Uncle Greg, at this year's Rez Run on Sunday, October 30.
Staggered start times ensure the event runs smoothly through downtown and around the Reservoir: the 2 mile run/walk starts at 8:00 a.m., the 5K starts at 8:30 and the 10K starts at 8:45. For registration information, call the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce at (925) 284-7404 or go to their website at www.lafayettechamber.org or www.active.com. The event supports local education, and parking is available at BART. Last minute participants can register on the day of the event from 6:30 on. As usual, there will be a pancake breakfast provided by the Lafayette Rotary Club.
Since the whole family has been participating for more than a dozen years, and considering the volume of commemorative t-shirts - every year they get six, one for each family member - mom Karla is considering making a quilt.
The annual event is presented by the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce and the City of Lafayette with substantial support from Oakwood Athletic Club and many local businesses.
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