| Published May 8th, 2013 | Moraga Baseball Association Box Scores | Submitted by Jin Meng | | | Mustang Division
May 4
Red Sox 13, Yankees 2
Red Sox Highlights: Daniel Weaver (2-for-3, BB, 1 run, RBI), Graham Becker (2-for-4, 2 Runs, RBI), Brady Manz (4-for-4, 3 2B, 3 runs, 3BI), and Wiley Winkler (1-for-4). Brady Manz (3IP, 9K).
Yankees Highlights: Tyler Kivelson (2BB), Alex Clare (1 run, BB), Casey Linden (1-for-2, 2B), Ben Oxendine (1-for-2, 1 run), and Aiden Schooley (1-for-2, RBI).
May 1
Giants 6, Cubs 7
Cubs Highlights: Cole Jeter 3 IP, 0 ER, 2 Ks; Tanner Robeson 1 IP, 0 ER, 2 Ks; 2-for-2, 2B, 3 RS; Drew Isola 2-for-2, 3B, 2 RBI.
Giants Highlights: Nico Mossotti 1 IP, 0 ER, 1 K, 1-for-2, 3B; Xander Goldman 1 IP, 0ER, 1 K, 1-for-2, 2B; Brody Crouch 3-for-3, 2B, 2RBI, 2RS
April 24
Cardinals 6, Cubs 5
Cardinals Highlights: Ben Powers (1-for-3, HR, Run, 2 RBIs, 2 IP - 1 Run - 6K), Mason Fara (Run, BB), Jack Nunn (1-for-2, run), Jack Erickson-King (1-for-1, run, RBI, BB)
Cubs Highlights: Tarek Antonios-McCrea (1-for-2, Run, RBI, BB), Jake Leuteneker (1-for-2, run, RBI), Tanner Robeson (1-for-2, run, BB), Joe Schmidt (1-for-3, run)
April 23
Yankees 11, A's 2
A's Highlights: Max Rittmann (1-for-2, Run) and William Thomas (1-for-1, BB).
Yankees Highlights: Alex Clare (1-for-2, 2 Runs, BB), JT Clarke (3-for-3, 3 Runs, 2B, RBI), Casey Linden (3-for-3, 2 Runs, 3RBI), Jack Beaty (1-for-1, 2 Runs, BB), and Aiden Schooley (1-for-2, RBI).
April 20
Cubs 6, Yankees 5
Cubs Highlights: Jackson Rusoni 2 - 2 with 2 runs scored and 3 stolen bases; Tareq Antonios Mcrea 1 run scored, BB, 2 stolen bases; Joe Schmidt 2IP (0 runs scored), 1 RBI.
Yankees Highlights: Casey Linden 1 - 2 (2B), 2 RBI, 1 run scored, 3IP (3 runs scored); Jamie Murray 1 -2 (1B), 1 RBI, 1 run scored, 3 IP (3 runs scored).
April 16
Cardinals 9, A's 7
A's Highlights: Jack Daugherty 2-for-2, BB, RS, 2RBI; Jack Williams 2-for-3, RBI; Kimo Okamura 2-for-3, RS, RBI.
Cardinals Highlights: Ben Powers 2-for-3, 3B, 3RBI, RS; Donovan Castilla-Liu 2-for-2, BB, RS; Sam McGonigle 1-for-2, BB, RS.
Pinto Division
April 17
Yankees 14, A's 15
Yankees Highlights: Evan Olson (4-for-5, 4 runs, 1 RBI), Hudson Pergamit (2-for-4, 1 run, 2 RBIs), and Brendan O'Donnell (3-for-3, 2 runs and a triple in the 7th).
A's Highlights: Walker Johnson (4-for-4, 1 run, 2 RBI) hit the walk off run to end in extra innings, Zack Decker (2-for-2, 2 runs, 1 RBI), and Jack Harper (3-for-4, 2 runs).
April 13
Giants 8, Pinto A's 6
Giants' Highlights: Grant Roesch (3-for-3, 3 Doubles, 2 RBIs, 1 run), Scotty Linden (2-for-3, 2 runs, 2 RBIs), Luje Olsen (2-for-3, 2 runs, 1 RBI) and Will McCurdy (2-for-3, 2 runs).
A's Highlights: Alcalgy (3-for-3, 1 Run), Jack Harper (3-for-3, 2 runs), Conner Naughter (1-for-2, 1 run).
April 9
Angels 8, A's 6
Angels Highlights: Ainsley Johnson (3-for-3, 2 runs), Charlie Hill (3-for-4, 2 runs, 1 RBI), and Dashiell Weaver (3-for-4, 2 runs).
A's Highlights: Jack Harper (3-for-3, 3 runs, 1 RBI), Jack Alcalay (2-for-3, 2 runs), and Cooper Lenahan (2-for-3, 1 run, 3 RBI's).
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